We hope you are all enjoying the deep-winter interregnum. Life here is going swimmingly--we had a terrific company party last Sunday. Big thanks to Nick Coffey and Nova for preparing our feast. This next week we are again offering the full line of Marinelli Shellfish selected farm-specific oysters!!!!
Department of Fond Fairwells,
Sad to say, next week may be the last week for live urchin deliveries. The Green Urchin quota is almost thumped and we are having no luck finding tribal divers to take up the mantle. It has been a wonderful run, maybe the best year ever for Red Urchin quality, but all good things must come to an end. We may have a few one-off shots of product going forward, but this next week is the last best chance.

So long until October! Thanks for the memories!
Fresh Fish Round-Up
Fresh Fish continues to fill our vans and brighten our lives. We urge those who have not yet done so to try the Black Sea Bass and Ink-In Squid. At our annual party last weekend the incomparable Nick Coffey prepared us a Bass/seaweed ceviche and grilled squid.
Overall, next week looks to be tighter on fish. Prices are creeping up and availability is challenging. Exceptions to this are True Cod, Steelhead and Eastern Fishes. Also, frozen and refresh are always good options.
Our friends to the North are producing semi-consistent numbers of Alaska Troll Kings. They are runty and high priced, but extremely high quality and anyone willing to bounce around the Fairweather Grounds in Februrary deserves a little extra clover. For those working on boosting deep-winter margins consider Fresh Quinalt Steelhead. We should have Steelhead consistently through Mid-February. Demand for winter trolls always exceeds supply, so order now for Monday. These fish will be spoken for by Sunday. East Coast Fish continues strong, with a possibility of Lemon Sole for Monday. Limited locals in the form of Rock, Pet, Dover, True Cod and Cali-Hali continue to trickle in as well. Warm Water fish is also readily available. No Change on Crab pricing.

Short days/long nights on the rolling ocean
Fresh Locals (Call for pricing) Live Dungeness Crab O/R, Live Dungeness Crab 2#+, Live Green Urchin, Fresh True Cod (AK), Petrale (WA), Rockfish (WA) (Weds), Cali-Hali, Troll King(AK) O/R, Quinalt Steelhead, Princess Dressed
Eastern Delights
John Dory, Monktail, Skate Wing, Black Sea Bass, Conger Eel, Squid, ink-in, Cleaned T&T, 10# tubs, Sardines, Dry Pack Scallops, 10/20, Mackerel
Lambs Beware!
After a three week hiatus, we are again butchering lamb weekly. Remember, these are luscious, Lopez Lamb, pasture raised and forage finished on the salt-kissed pastures of South Lopez. Available as halves, wholes and cuts by arrangement.
Run, Lambs, Run!
We sell Whole or Half Lambs.
Oysterlands Update.
While our own oyster stocks slumber and slowly grow, we bring back the Marinellis line. Marinelli Shellfish has been the pioneer in building the West Coast half-shell oyster trade. The Marinellis family of independent oyster growers is the best in the business, and we are proud to be part of it as a supplier and distributor. When buying directly from Marinellis or from us, you are buying the best sourcing and handling in the business. Plus, you just might see this guy at your place some night.
Pour the likker and hide the Monkfish!
Oyster Availability--Order Deadlines Apply!
Hood Canal xs/small
Calm Cove, Sisters Point
South Puget Sound
Barron Point, Eagle Rock, Flapjack Point, Hammersley Inlet, Harstine Island, Pickering Pass, Wild Cat Cove, Shigoku
Fanny Bay, Kusshi
Department of Agricultural Heroes
The Man
February 15 marks the 207th birthday of Cyrus McCormick. Cyrus and family spent 20 years developing the McCormick mechanical reaper, the first mechanized grain harvester. The reaper was the companion piece for mechanical Threshing Machines, invented in 1786. . Prior to this invention, grain was scythed and shocked by hand, then threshed by stomping feet or physically beating heads off the shocks. Mechanized grain harvest revolutionized global agriculture, sped settlement of the North American continent, was perhaps the largest factor in ending slavery and began the dramatic increase in nutritional inputs for the human race that, two centuries on, allows all of us to focus on Sous-Videing pork fat and making Sea Urchin foam. Cyrus McCormick, JFF Salutes You!

The Machine
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